Sunday 21 April 2013

To conclude...

The image New Zealand portrays to the world is a pretty grim image when we reflect on the differentiating populations between the top 10 ranked countries for child abuse. But HEY! New Zealand has come a long way since the first Law that was put into place in 1925. New Zealand seems to be accepting this fact and the government, over the years, has been putting a strong emphasis on passing Laws to protecting the young and the innocent.

The pedagogical implications are clearly obvious. It is imperative for teachers to provide a quality and attentive curriculum that is flexible to accommodate for all children attending early childhood education centres. Child abuse of any kind does affect children and does influence many teachers pedagogical approach towards teaching children.

Only time will tell if the Justice System and the Governments Legislations are enough to change the attitudes and beliefs of society towards children. Make sure everyone keeps a close eye on the outcomes of the White Paper for Vulnerable Children because that topic should become very interesting.

The children of New Zealand are the way of the future. They are who carry on the heritage of New Zealand. They deserve to grow up in positive home environments with positive experiences to grow up and become the best possible citizens they can possibly be for New Zealand.


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